Greenville, MS – Washington County resident Lazavious Smith pled guilty to several House Burglaries in Washington County Circuit Court, District Attorney Dewayne Richardson announced today. Richardson said, “Smith was scheduled to be tried in open court starting at 8:30 Tuesday morning, but instead he pled guilty.” Lazavious Smith had been arrested and charged by the Washington County Sheriff’s Department for several home invasions that occurred in Washington County. Smith was later indicted by a Washington County Grand Jury for several burglary charges as well as a car theft charge.
Lazavious Smith pled guilty to his crimes and was sentenced to a total of 20 years in the custody of the Mississippi Department of Corrections. Smith has to serve the first 15 years of his sentence and then he will be on probation for the remaining 5 years of his sentence. This case was investigated by the Washington County Sheriff’s Department and the District Attorney’s office appreciates Sheriff Milton Gaston and his staff’s hard work in helping to remove another criminal from the streets of Washington County.
July 30, 2015
Contact: W. Dewayne Richardson
District Attorney, Fourth Circuit Court District | 662-378-2105