Dewayne RichardsonMississippi Delta DA 4th District

Greenville, MS— Demarcus Clemons of Greenville pled guilty to Sexual Battery in Washington County last week, District Attorney W. Dewayne Richardson announced today.

Clemons was charged with the crime in 2021 following a report made to the Greenville Police Department by a Children’s Advocacy Center in south Mississippi. The center relayed that the victim made the initial disclosure to her teacher while in class. The teacher informed the local office of the Mississippi Department of Child Protective Services which contacted the advocacy center. Following the initial report, a forensic interview was conducted during which the victim disclosed being sexually assaulted by Clemons when the child was younger and living in Greenville.

The Washington County Grand Jury later returned an indictment against Clemons for Sexual Battery. With his trial scheduled to begin on Tuesday of last week, he entered a plea of guilty on Monday last week in Circuit Court. Clemons was sentenced by Circuit Court Judge Richard Smith to The District Attorney’s recommendation of fifteen (15) years in the custody of the Mississippi Department of Corrections. This case was prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney Kaylon McCou who stated “I admire the courage of the victim to make the initial disclosure and to remain patient and strong throughout the process. And our office hopes that more child victims of sexual assault know that it is never their fault, they did nothing wrong, and it is never too late to report.”

The District Attorney’s Office is grateful for the multiple agencies that worked together to comfort the victim and ensure that justice was pursued on their behalf.